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DNA content differences in laboratory mouse strains determined by flow cytometry

TitoloDNA content differences in laboratory mouse strains determined by flow cytometry
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione1997
AutoriCapparelli, R., Cottone C., D’Apice L., Viscardi M., Colantonio L., Lucretti Sergio, and Iannelli D.
Paginazione261 - 266
Data di pubblicazione1997///
Parole chiaveFlow cytometry, Laboratory mouse strains, Nuclear DNA content

The nuclear DNA content of seven mouse laboratory strains has been measured by flow cytometry. The differences observed between strains as well as those between sexes within the strain were all statistically significant. The highest DNA content (approximately 6.4 pg/female nucleus) was found in the Balb/c strain; the lowest (approximately 5.7 pg/male nucleus) in the C3H/he strain. The difference between sexes varied from 1.6% (in CD-1 mice) to 6.3% (in nude mice). The interest of these results is twofold. First, the mouse can now be used to study the adaptive significance of genome size variation, so far studied only in plants. Second, DNA content analysis can become a quick method for mouse strain identification.


Cited By (since 1996): 12Export Date: 26 August 2010Source: Scopus

Citation Key438