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Hydrogen isotopes transport parameters in fusion reactor materials

TitoloHydrogen isotopes transport parameters in fusion reactor materials
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione1998
AutoriSerra, Emanuele, Benamati G., and Ogorodnikova O.V.
RivistaJournal of Nuclear Materials
Parole chiaveAlumina, Beryllia, Copper, Diffusion in solids, Fusion reactors, Hydrogen, Hydrogen isotopes materials interaction, Molybdenum, Radioisotopes, Solubility, Steel, Transport properties, Trap concentration, Tungsten

This work presents a review of hydrogen isotopes-materials interactions in various materials of interest for fusion reactors. The relevant parameters cover mainly diffusivity, solubility, trap concentration and energy difference between trap and solution sites. The list of materials includes the martensitic steels (MANET, Batman and F82H-mod.), beryllium, aluminium, beryllium oxide, aluminium oxide, copper, tungsten and molybdenum. Some experimental work on the parameters that describe the surface effects is also mentioned. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


cited By 105

Citation KeySerra1998105