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Description and evaluation of the Earth System Regional Climate Model (Reg CM-ES)

TitoloDescription and evaluation of the Earth System Regional Climate Model (Reg CM-ES)
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione2017
AutoriSitz, L.E., Di Sante F., Farneti R., Fuentes-Franco R., Coppola E., Mariotti L., Reale M., Sannino Gianmaria, Barreiro M., Nogherotto R., Giuliani G., Graffino G., Solidoro C., Cossarini G., and Giorgi F.
RivistaJournal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems
Parole chiaveAir sea interactions, air-sea interaction, Atlantic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean (South), atmosphere-ocean system, Central America, climate modeling, Climate models, Earth (planet), Earth atmosphere, Earth system model, environmental modeling, Oceanography, Open sources, Open systems, parameterization, physical geography, Regional climate, South Atlantic, tropical band, tropical environment

We describe a new, state-of-the-art, Earth System Regional Climate Model (RegCM-ES), which includes the coupling between the atmosphere, ocean, and land surface, as well as a hydrological and ocean biogeochemistry model, with the capability of using a variety of physical parameterizations. The regional coupled model has been implemented and tested over some of the COordinated Regional climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) domains and more regional settings featuring climatically important coupled phenomena. Regional coupled ocean-atmosphere models can be especially useful tools to provide information on the mechanisms of air-sea interactions and feedbacks occurring at fine spatial and temporal scales. RegCM-ES shows a good representation of precipitation and SST fields over the domains tested, as well as realistic simulations of coupled air-sea processes and interactions. The RegCM-ES model, which can be easily implemented over any regional domain of interest, is open source, making it suitable for usage by the broad scientific community. © 2017. The Authors.


cited By 4

Citation KeySitz20171863