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On the Ekman Equations for Ocean Currents Driven by a Stochastic Wind

TitoloOn the Ekman Equations for Ocean Currents Driven by a Stochastic Wind
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione2015
AutoriBuffoni, G., Cappelletti Andrea, and Picco P.
RivistaStochastic Analysis and Applications

The basic assumptions for the depth-dependent Ekman equations are presented. An analysis of three wind stress time series, from different geographical locations, is performed: The results lead to interpret the wind stress as a stochastic process, with components fluctuating with deterministic frequencies. The stochastic equations coupling wind stress and ocean currents are formulated; their solutions are stochastically bounded. Results of numerical simulations are given to show the main behaviors of the system. © 2015, Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


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Citation KeyBuffoni2015356