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Seismic-initiated events risk mitigation in Lead-cooled Reactors: Mid-term evaluation of the results of the FP7 SILER project

TitoloSeismic-initiated events risk mitigation in Lead-cooled Reactors: Mid-term evaluation of the results of the FP7 SILER project
Tipo di pubblicazionePresentazione a Congresso
Anno di Pubblicazione2013
AutoriDe Bruyn, D., Yoo B., Forni Massimo, Poggianti A., De Grandis S., Castellano M.G., and Dusi A.
Conference NameInternational Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, ICAPP 2013: Nuclear Power - A Safe and Sustainable Choice for Green Future, Held with the 28th KAIF/KNS Annual Conference
Citation KeyDeBruyn2013271