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Glaciological study in Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica inferred from remote sensing analysis

TitoloGlaciological study in Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica inferred from remote sensing analysis
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione1993
AutoriFrezzotti, M
RivistaAnnals of Glaciology
Parole chiaveantarctica, basalt melting value, bottom freezing, grounding line, ice observations, ice shelf, ice tongue, satellite image analysis, satellite imagery, surface velocity, Terra Nova Bay, Victoria Land

Analysis of satellite images (Landsat 1 MSS 4 TM and SPOT 1 XS), of US Navy aerial photographs (TMA) and of USGS maps has made it possible to assess a number of parameters relating to the surface dynamics (between 1956 and 1990) of eight ice tongues and of two ice shelves in the Terra Nova Bay area. The study shows that between 1960-63 and 1972-73 there was a decided decrease in the areas of some of the tongues and shelves: -53 km2 for the Aviator Glacier Tongue and -124 km2 for the Nansen Ice Sheet. On the other hand, the areas generally increased in the period 1972-73 to 1988. An exception to this situation is the small Hells Gate ice shelf whose area diminished by 1.15 km2 between 1956-57 and 1968. The calculated surface velocity of the ice tongues shows that they increase from the grounding line to their outer limit. Different spectral responses of the glacial areas have made it possible to discriminate ablation areas from those of accumulation and to differentiate various typologies of ice (glacier ice, melt lake ice, and sea ice formed at the ice shelf-ocean interface). -from Author


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Citation KeyFrezzotti199363