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Dependence of the HfO2 thin film structure on the momentum transfer in ion beam assisted deposition

TitoloDependence of the HfO2 thin film structure on the momentum transfer in ion beam assisted deposition
Tipo di pubblicazionePresentazione a Congresso
Anno di Pubblicazione1999
AutoriScaglione, S., Sarto F., Rizzo Antonella, and Alvisi Marco
Conference NameProceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
EditoreSociety of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Bellingham, WA, United States
Conference LocationBoulder, CO, USA
Parole chiaveEnergy Transfer, Film growth, Hafnia, Hafnium compounds, Ion beam assisted deposition, Momentum transfer, Optical films, Refractive index, Sigmund model, Sputter deposition, Thin films

Evaporated Afnia thin film suffer of high porosity that causes the variation of the optical parameters when the film is exposed to the atmosphere. The ion beam assisted deposition is a useful method to obtain dense and adherent thin film. In this work, the effect of the (Xe) low energy ion beam assistance on the optical properties of HfO2 thin film is investigated. The deposition parameters are expressed in terms of momentum transfer per arrival atoms. Dense films were obtained increasing the P value. The Sigmund's model was applied to describe the collision cascade mechanism and to calculate the threshold energy at which no sputtering occurs. The experimental measurements of sputtering yield were compared with the calculated values. Assisting the growing film by Xe ions at energy lower than the energy threshold, an high value of refractive index has been obtained, as well as for the sample assisted at high P values.

Citation KeyScaglione1999154