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Provitamin A biofortification of crop plants: a gold rush with many miners

TitoloProvitamin A biofortification of crop plants: a gold rush with many miners
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione2017
AutoriGiuliano, Giovanni
RivistaCurrent Opinion in Biotechnology
Parole chiaveAgricultural, alpha carotene, Bioavailability, Bioavailability study, biochemistry, bioequivalence, biofortification, Biological Availability, Carotenoid, Conventional breeding, Crop, crop management, Crops, cytosol, Developing countries, Genetic Variation, Health status, human, Humans, intestine absorption, metabolic engineering, metabolism, mitochondrion, nonhuman, Phenotype, Photosynthetic pigments, Physiological roles, Pigments, Plant breeding, procedures, provitamin, Provitamins, retinol, review, Signaling molecules, State of the art, Synthesis (chemical), Transgenic approaches, Transgenics, vertebrate, Vitamin A, Vitamin a deficiencies, vitamin metabolism

Carotenoids are synthesized de novo by plants, where they play fundamental physiological roles as photosynthetic pigments and precursors for signaling molecules. They are also essential components of a healthy diet, as dietary antioxidants and vitamin A precursors. Vitamin A deficiency is a public health problem in developing countries, which has prompted a series of efforts toward the biofortification of plant-derived foods with provitamin A carotenoids (mainly β-carotene), giving rise to ‘golden’ crops. Since the ‘golden rice’ exploit, a number of biofortified crops have been generated, using transgenic approaches as well as conventional breeding. Bioavailability studies have demonstrated the efficacy of several ‘golden’ crops in maintaining vitamin A status. This review presents the state of the art and the areas that need further experimentation. © 2017


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Citation KeyGiuliano2017169