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The certification of the Circeo National Park (central Italy): evaluation of the quality of the surface waters [La certificación del Parque Nacional del Circeo (Italia central): Evaluación de la calidad de las aguas superficiales]

TitoloThe certification of the Circeo National Park (central Italy): evaluation of the quality of the surface waters [La certificación del Parque Nacional del Circeo (Italia central): Evaluación de la calidad de las aguas superficiales]
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione2005
AutoriMorgana, Josè Giancarlo, Betta G., Minciardi Maria Rita, Prato Susanna, Rosa S., and Naviglio L.
Parole chiaveBacteria (microorganisms), biomonitoring, Circeo National Park, Eurasia, Europe, Italy, Latina, Lazio, pollution monitoring, Southern Europe, surface water, Vibrio fischeri, Water quality

An evaluation of the biological quality of running waters of the Cireo National Park (Central Italy) was performed according to the Certification Project of this Protected Area considering the International Standard UNI EN ISO 14001. The environmental quality was analysed in 25 sampling sites of 13 watecourses (Fosso Bagnara, Fosso Fontana delle Rose, Fosso Arciglioni, Fosso Capogrosso, Rio Nocchia, Canale Cicerchia, Diversivo Nocchia, Canale Caterattino, Fiume Ninfa, Collettore Acque Medie, Rio Martino, Canale Papale, Rio Torto) utilizing methods of biological monitoring (sediment toxicity tests and biological indexes) between winter 2000 and spring 2001. Toxicity tests included bio-luminescence inhibition of the bacterium Vibrio fischeri, and seed germination of 3 plant species. Biotic indexes (I.B.E and B.M.W.P) were calculated in relation to the macroinvertebrate communities (sampled with handheld net) and G.I.S. indexes were calculated in relation to aquatic macrophyte communities. The Fluvial Functionality Index was also calculated, taking into account the biotic and abiotic features of the aquatic system and its associated terrestrial system. Generally, the low quality of the studied watercourses can be related to artificial changes and chemical pollution coming from urban, agricultural and industrial areas. These anthropogenic factors have led to simplified benthic communities (dominated by a low number of tolerant species) and have altered the functionality of the watercourses. © Asociación Española de Limnología.


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Citation KeyMorgana200521