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Filtri: Parola Chiave is cell viability [Clear All Filters]
Winter fine particulate matter from Milan induces morphological and functional alterations in human pulmonary epithelial cells (A549),
, Toxicology Letters, Volume 188, Number 1, p.52-62, (2009)
Organic compounds in tire particle induce reactive oxygen species and heat-shock proteins in the human alveolar cell line A549,
, Environment International, Volume 34, Number 4, p.437-442, (2008)
Flow cytometry applications in the evaluation of sperm quality: Semen analysis, sperm function and DNA integrity,
, Contraception, Volume 72, Number 4, p.273-279, (2005)
Forced adhesive growth of K562 leukemic cells that normally grow in suspension induces variations in membrane lipids and energy metabolism: A proton NMR study,
, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Volume 46, Number 2, p.171-178, (1999)
Nuclear chromatin variations in human spermatozoa undergoing swim-up and cryopreservation evaluated by the flow cytometric sperm chromatin structure assay,
, Molecular Human Reproduction, Volume 5, Number 1, p.29-37, (1999)