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Navigating a Microplastic Sea: How the Pacific Cupped Oyster (Magallana gigas) Respond to Microplastic Pollution in Lagoons,
, Toxics, Jan-06-2024, Volume 12, Issue 6, p.429, (2024)
Chemical pollution and ecotoxicological effects of high-density polyethylene microplastics in Mytilus galloprovincialis from two Italian lagoon ecosystems,
, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, Jan-03-2023, Volume 98, p.104075, (2023)
Proteomic Analysis Identifies Three Reliable Biomarkers of Intestinal Inflammation in the Stools of Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease,
, Journal of Crohn's and Colitis, Jun-08-2024, Volume 17, Issue 1, Number 1, p.92 - 102, (2022)
Hazard evaluation of plastic mixtures from four Italian subalpine great lakes on the basis of laboratory exposures of zebra mussels,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 699, (2020)
A combined ANXA2-NDRG1-STAT1 gene signature predicts response to chemoradiotherapy in cervical cancer,
, Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research : CR, Volume 38, Number 1, p.279, (2019)
Cytokine modulation in breast cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy: A revision of the most recent studies,
, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Volume 20, Number 2, (2019)
Evidence of association between aerosol properties and in-vitro cellular oxidative response to PM1, oxidative potential of PM2.5, a biomarker of RNA oxidation, and its dependency on combustion sources,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 213, p.444-455, (2019)
Identification of 15 T cell restricted genes evaluates t cell infiltration of human healthy tissues and cancers and shows prognostic and predictive potential,
, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Volume 20, Number 20, (2019)
Seasonal variation in the biological effects of PM2.5 from greater cairo,
, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Volume 20, Number 20, (2019)
Faecal high mobility group box 1 in children with celiac disease: A pilot study,
, Digestive and Liver Disease, Volume 50, Number 9, p.916-919, (2018)
Multi-biomarker investigation to assess toxicity induced by two antidepressants on Dreissena polymorpha,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 578, p.452-459, (2017)
Fecal HMGB1 reveals microscopic inflammation in adult and pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease in clinical and endoscopic remission,
, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Volume 22, Number 12, p.2886-2893, (2016)
Glucocorticoid-induced tumour necrosis factor receptor-related protein: A key marker of functional regulatory T cells,
, Journal of Immunology Research, Volume 2015, (2015)
Mosses as indicators of radioactivity deposition around a coal-fired power station,
, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 227, Number 1, p.49-56, (1999)
Distribution of pcb congeners in aquatic ecosystems: A case study,
, Environment International, Volume 23, Number 6, p.799-813, (1997)