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Comparative analysis of plant-produced, recombinant dimeric IgA against cell wall β-glucan of pathogenic fungi, Capodicasa, Cristina, Catellani Marcello, Moscetti I., Bromuro C., Chiani P., Torosantucci A., and Benvenuto Eugenio , Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Volume 114, Number 12, p.2729-2738, (2017)
Cytotoxicity, genotoxicity and gene expression changes elicited by exposure of human hepatic cells to Ginkgo biloba leaf extract, Grollino, Maria Giuseppa, Raschellà Giuseppe, Cordelli Eugenia, Villani Paola, Pieraccioli M., Paximadas I., Malandrino S., Bonassi S., and Pacchierotti Francesca , Food and Chemical Toxicology, Volume 109, p.486-496, (2017)
Development of land-use regression models for exposure assessment to ultrafine particles in Rome, Italy, Cattani, G., Gaeta A., A. di Bucchianico Di Menno, De Santis A., Gaddi R., Cusano M., Ancona C., Badaloni C., Forastiere F., Gariazzo C., et al. , Atmospheric Environment, Volume 156, p.52-60, (2017)
Effects of high-intensity static magnetic fields on a root-based bioreactor system for space applications, Villani, Maria Elena, Massa Silvia, Lopresto V., Pinto R., Salzano A.M., Scaloni A., Benvenuto Eugenio, and Desiderio Angiola , Life Sciences in Space Research, Volume 15, p.79-87, (2017)
Estimating the terrestrial gamma dose rate by decomposition of the ambient dose equivalent rate, Bossew, P., Cinelli Giorgia, Hernández-Ceballos M., Cernohlawek N., Gruber V., Dehandschutter B., Menneson F., Bleher M., Stöhlker U., Hellmann I., et al. , Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 166, p.296-308, (2017)
Evaluation of the treatability of a winery distillery (vinasse) wastewater by UASB, anoxic-aerobic UF-MBR and chemical precipitation/adsorption, Petta, Luigi, De Gisi S., Casella Patrizia, Farina R., and Notarnicola M. , Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 201, p.177-189, (2017)
Fifty-Hertz Magnetic Field Affects the Epigenetic Modulation of the miR-34b/c in Neuronal Cells, Consales, Claudia, Cirotti C., Filomeni G., Panatta M., Butera A., Merla Caterina, Lopresto Vanni, Pinto Rosanna, Marino Carmela, and Benassi Barbara , Molecular Neurobiology, Volume 55, Number 7, p.1-17, (2017)
Frequency spectrum of induced transmembrane potential and permeabilization efficacy of bipolar electric pulses, Merla, Caterina, Pakhomov A.G., Semenov I., and Vernier P.T. , Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes, Volume 1859, Number 7, p.1282-1290, (2017)
Functional indicators of response mechanisms to nitrogen deposition, ozone, and their interaction in two Mediterranean tree species, Fusaro, L., Palma A., Salvatori Elisabetta, Basile A., Maresca V., Karam E.A., and Manes F. , PLoS ONE, Volume 12, Number 10, (2017)
Health risk assessment of exposure to the Middle-Eastern Dust storms in the Iranian megacity of Kermanshah, Goudarzi, G., Daryanoosh S.M., Godini H., Hopke P.K., Sicard P., De Marco Alessandra, Rad H.D., Harbizadeh A., Jahedi F., Mohammadi M.J., et al. , Public Health, Volume 148, p.109-116, (2017)
Holocene sea ice variability driven by wind and polynya efficiency in the Ross Sea, Mezgec, K., Stenni B., Crosta X., Masson-Delmotte V., Baroni C., Braida M., Ciardini Virginia, Colizza E., Melis R., Salvatore M.C., et al. , Nature Communications, Volume 8, Number 1, (2017)
HPV 16 E5 oncoprotein is expressed in early stage carcinogenesis and can be a target of immunotherapy, Paolini, F., Curzio G., Cordeiro M.N., Massa Silvia, Mariani L., Pimpinelli F., de Freitas A.C., Franconi Rosella, and Venuti A. , Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics, Volume 13, Number 2, p.291-297, (2017)
Impact of zinc oxide nanoparticles on an in vitro model of the human air-blood barrier, Bengalli, R., Gualtieri Maurizio, Capasso L., Urani C., and Camatini M. , Toxicology Letters, Volume 279, p.22-32, (2017)
Leptin induction following irradiation is a conserved feature in mammalian epithelial cells and tissues, Licursi, V., M. Guidi Cestelli, Del Vecchio G., Mannironi C., Presutti C., Amendola R., and Negri R. , International Journal of Radiation Biology, Volume 93, Number 9, p.947-957, (2017)
Mapping uranium concentration in soil: Belgian experience towards a European map, Cinelli, Giorgia, Tondeur F., Dehandschutter B., Bossew P., Tollefsen T., and de Cort M. , Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Volume 166, p.220-234, (2017)
Molecular and biochemical characterization of a potato collection with contrasting tuber carotenoid content, Sulli, Maria, Mandolino G., Sturaro M., Onofri C., Diretto Gianfranco, Parisi B., and Giuliano Giovanni , PLoS ONE, Volume 12, Number 9, p.e0184143, (2017)
Monopole patch antenna for in vivo exposure to nanosecond pulsed electric fields, Merla, Caterina, Apollonio F., Paffi A., Marino Carmela, Vernier P.T., and Liberti M. , Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, Volume 55, Number 7, p.1073-1083, (2017)
Multi-year record of atmospheric and snow surface nitrate in the central Antarctic plateau, Traversi, R., Becagli S., Brogioni M., Caiazzo Laura, Ciardini Virginia, Giardi F., Legrand M., Macelloni G., Petkov B., Preunkert S., et al. , Chemosphere, Volume 172, p.341-354, (2017)
N-glycan engineering of a plant-produced anti-CD20-hIL-2 immunocytokine significantly enhances its effector functions, Marusic, Carla, Pioli Claudio, Stelter Szymon, Novelli Flavia, Lonoce Chiara, Morrocchi Elena, Benvenuto Eugenio, Salzano Anna Maria, Scaloni Andrea, and Donini Marcello , Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Mar-11-2019, Volume 115, Number 3, p.565-576, (2017)
Occupational exposure in MR facilities due to movements in the static magnetic field, Andreuccetti, D., Biagi L., Burriesci G., Cannatà V., Contessa G.M., Falsaperla R., Genovese E., Lodato R., Lopresto Vanni, Merla Caterina, et al. , Medical Physics, Volume 44, Number 11, p.5988-5996, (2017)
Ozone exposure affects tree defoliation in a continental climate, De Marco, Alessandra, Vitale M., Popa I., Anav A., Badea O., Silaghi D., Leca S., Screpanti Augusto, and Paoletti E. , Science of the Total Environment, Volume 596-597, p.396-404, (2017)
Pervasive plastisphere: First record of plastics in egagropiles (Posidonia spheroids), Pietrelli, L., Di Gennaro A., Menegoni Patrizia, Lecce Francesca, Poeta G., Acosta A.T.R., Battisti C., and Iannilli Valentina , Environmental Pollution, Volume 229, p.1032-1036, (2017)
Phylogeography on the rocks: The contribution of current and historical factors in shaping the genetic structure of Chthamalus montagui (Crustacea, Cirripedia), Pannacciulli, Federica, Maltagliati F., De Guttry C., and Achituv Y. , PLoS ONE, Volume 12, Number 6, (2017)
A plant protein signal sequence improved humoral immune response to HPV prophylactic and therapeutic DNA vaccines, Massa, Silvia, Paolini F., Curzio G., Cordeiro M.N., Illiano E., Demurtas Olivia Costantina, Franconi Rosella, and Venuti A. , Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics, Volume 13, Number 2, p.271-282, (2017)
Potential environmental impact of bioethanol production chain from fiber sorghum to be used in passenger cars, Forte, A., Zucaro Amalia, Fagnano M., and Fierro A. , Science of the Total Environment, Volume 598, p.365-376, (2017)