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Filtri: Autore is Manes, F. and Parola Chiave is Stomatal conductance [Clear All Filters]
Effects of the Antiozonant Ethylenediurea (EDU) on Fraxinus ornus L.: The role of drought,
, Forests, Volume 8, Number 9, (2017)
Photosynthetic performance and biochemical adjustments in two co-occurring Mediterranean evergreens, Quercus ilex and Arbutus unedo, differing in salt-exclusion ability,
, Functional Plant Biology, Volume 41, Number 4, p.391-400, (2014)
Different O3 response of sensitive and resistant snap bean genotypes (Phaseolus vulgaris L.): The key role of growth stage, stomatal conductance, and PSI activity,
, Environmental and Experimental Botany, Volume 87, p.79-91, (2013)
Testing of models of stomatal ozone fluxes with field measurements in a mixed Mediterranean forest,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 67, p.242-251, (2013)
Physiological responses of Quercus ilex leaves to water stress and acute ozone exposure under controlled conditions,
, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, Volume 189, Number 1-4, p.113-125, (2008)
Measuring, modelling and testing ozone exposure, flux and effects on vegetation in southern European conditions-What does not work? A review from Italy,
, Environmental Pollution, Volume 146, Number 3, p.648-658, (2007)
New approaches to study the relationship between stomatal conductance and environmental factors under Mediterranean climatic conditions,
, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 41, Number 26, p.5385-5397, (2007)