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Neuroblastoma specific effects of DR-nm23 and its mutant forms on differentiation and apoptosis

TitoloNeuroblastoma specific effects of DR-nm23 and its mutant forms on differentiation and apoptosis
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione2000
AutoriNegroni, Anna, Venturelli D., Tanno Barbara, Amendola R., Ransac S., Cesi Vincenzo, Calabretta B., and Raschellà G.
RivistaCell Death and Differentiation
Parole chiaveanimal cell, Apoptosis, article, biochemistry, Catalysis, cell fractionation, cell structure, controlled study, cytoplasm, enzyme activity, Gene expression, gene location, gene overexpression, hematopoietic cell, Immunoprecipitation, metastasis, mitochondrion, mouse, Multigene Family, mutant, nerve cell differentiation, Neuroblastoma, neuroblastoma cell, nonhuman, nucleoside diphosphate kinase, Phosphorylation, polymer, priority journal, protein binding, protein protein interaction, serine, serum, tissue specificity, tumor suppressor gene

DR-nm23 belongs to a gene family which includes nm23-H1, originally identified as a candidate metastasis suppressor gene. Nm23 genes are expressed in different tumor types where their levels have been alternatively associated with reduced or increased metastatic potential. Nm23-H1, -H2, DRnm23 and nm23-H4 all possess NDP kinase activity. Overexpression of DR-nm23 inhibits differentiation and promotes apoptosis in hematopoietic cells. By contrast, it induces morphological and biochemical changes associated with neural differentiation in neuroblastoma cells. In this study, we show that mutations in the catalytic domain and in the serine 61 phosphorylation site, possibly required for protein-protein interactions, impair the ability of DR-nm23 to induce neural differentiation. Moreover, neuroblastoma cells overexpressing wild-type or mutant DR-nm23 are less sensitive to apoptosis triggered by serum withdrawal. By subcellular fractionation, wild-type and mutant DR-nm23 localize in the cytoplasm and prevalently in the mitochondrial fraction. In coimmunoprecipitation experiments, wild-type DR-nm23 binds other members of nm23 family, but mutations in the catalytic and in the RGD domains and in serine 61 inhibit the formation of hetero-multimers. Thus, the integrity of the NDP kinase activity and the presence of a serine residue in position 61 seem essential for the ability of DR-nm23 to trigger differentiation and to bind other Nm23 proteins, but not for the anti-apoptotic effect in neuroblastoma cells. These studies underline the tissue specificity of the biological effects induced by DR-nm23 expression.


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Citation KeyNegroni2000843