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A theoretical study of the microphysical parameterization of the scavenging coefficient as a function of precipitation type and rate

TitoloA theoretical study of the microphysical parameterization of the scavenging coefficient as a function of precipitation type and rate
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione1998
AutoriMircea, Mihaela, and Stefan S.
RivistaAtmospheric Environment
Parole chiaveair monitoring, Air pollution, article, atmospheric deposition, Atmospheric movements, Mass transfer, Mathematical models, Microphysical parameterization, numerical method, parameterization, pollution transport, precipitation, precipitation (climatology), Precipitation (meteorology), priority journal, Scavenging coefficient

For practical reasons, numerical modelling of transport, transformation and deposition of atmospheric pollutants requires the parameterization of wet removal in terms of scavenging coefficients. In this paper, the scavenging coefficient-precipitation intensity relationships for different types of precipitation are derived. The variety of the obtained scavenging coefficients shows the importance of microphysical parameterizations. For practical reasons, numerical modelling of transport, transformation and deposition of atmospheric pollutants requires the parameterization of wet removal in terms of scavenging coefficients. In this paper, the scavenging coefficient-precipitation intensity relationships for different types of precipitation are derived. The variety of the obtained scavenging coefficients shows the importance of microphysical parameterizations.


cited By 40

Citation KeyMircea19982931