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Acoustic and optical VOCs sensors incorporating carbon nanotubes

TitoloAcoustic and optical VOCs sensors incorporating carbon nanotubes
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione2006
AutoriPenza, Michele, Cassano Gennaro, Aversa Patrizia, Cusano A., Consales M., Giordano M., and Nicolais L.
RivistaIEEE Sensors Journal
Parole chiaveAcoustic surface wave devices, Acoustic VOCs sensors, Acoustic waves, Cadmium, Carbon nanotubes, Chemical sensors, Embedded systems, Nanostructured materials, Optical fibers, Optical sensors, Optical-fiber volatile organic compounds (VOCs) sensors, Pattern Recognition, Quartz crystal microbalance (QCM), Reflectometers, Resonators, Silica, Surface acoustic waves (SAW), Thermal effects, Transducers, Volatile organic compounds

The authors investigate the sensing properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) films, which are used as nanostructured materials for chemical sensors onto three types of transducers using different principles of operation as surface acoustic waves (SAWs), quartz-crystal microbalance (QCM), and a standard silica optical fiber (SOF) for detection of volatile organic compounds at a room temperature. The sensing probes have been configured as 315- and 433-MHz SAW two-port resonator-based oscillator, 10-MHz QCM resonator, and SOF light-reflectometry-based system at a wavelength of 1310 nm. A nanocomposite film of SWCNTs embedded in a cadmium-arachidate matrix was deposited by Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique onto the SAW sensors. An LB multilayer of SWCNTs-onto-CdA buffer material was also deposited onto the QCM and SOF sensors. The experiments demonstrate that carbon-nanotubes acoustic and optical sensors are highly sensitive to a wide range of polar and nonpolar organic solvents up to a sub-ppm detection limit at a room temperature. © 2006 IEEE.


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Citation KeyPenza2006867