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Rivista Environments - special issue The Threat of Plastic to the Freshwater Biosphere : invito a presentare contributi

La rivista internazionale open access Environments (ISSN 2076-3298) ha aperto una call for papers per uno Special Issue dal titolo "The Threat of Plastic to the Freshwater Biosphere", edito da Giulia Cesarini CNR-IRSA, Istituto di Ricerca sulle Acque; Massimiliano Scalici  Dipartimento di Scienze, Università degli Studi Roma Tre e Valentina Iannilli del Dipartimento SSPT. Di seguito l’invito a sottomettere paper, aperto fino al 25 settembre 2024.

PhD position at ENEA

A PhD scholarship on Plant and animal sciences to be carriedout at the ENEA Biotechnology Laboratory is available.

The University of Tuscia (Unitus) announces a public selection for admission to following PhD Programs for the XXXIX cycle, academic year 2023/24

Title: Plant production of antibodies and antigens for the development of new generation vaccines and diagnostic assays to be used in the control and prevention of infectious reproductive diseases of livestock.

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