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TEMPORANA: Flexible Temporal Query Processing for Supporting System Behavior Detection across Complex Scenarios

TitleTEMPORANA: Flexible Temporal Query Processing for Supporting System Behavior Detection across Complex Scenarios
Publication TypePresentazione a Congresso
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsCuzzocrea, A., D'Elia Ilaria, De Nicola A., Maldini H., and Villani M.L.
Conference NameProceedings - 19th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, 14th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing and 15th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engi
KeywordsApplication programs, Computation theory, Distributed computer systems, Environmental model, Innovation policies, Linear temporal logic, Possible futures, Societal systems, Software applications, Supporting systems, temporal analysis, Ubiquitous computing

We propose the TEMPORANA framework foranalysis of integrated scenarios aiming at studying the possibleeffects on the society of sustainable innovation policies. Theframework consists of a set of advanced temporal queries forscenario analysis and a software application. Integrated scenariosare possible future states of different aspects of the world(e.g., energy, environment, technology, economy, societal system) representing plausible conditions under different assumptions. Temporal scenario queries aim at detecting a specified behaviorfor the system over time and, hence, at verifying that a temporalproperty holds. A preliminary set of queries, each involving onetemporal operator from the Linear Temporal Logic, were definedby field experts and used in a preliminary experimentation todemonstrate the applicability of the approach. © 2016 IEEE.

Citation KeyCuzzocrea2017401