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Xml for libraries, archives, and museums: the project covax

TitleXml for libraries, archives, and museums: the project covax
Publication TypeArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsHernández, F., Wert C., Recio I., Aguilera B., Koch W., Bogensperger M., Linde P., Günter G., Mulrenin B., Agenjo X., Yeats R., Bordoni L., and Poggi F.
JournalApplied Artificial Intelligence
KeywordsArchives, Client server computer systems, Contemporary culture virtual archives in XML, Data structures, Distributed database systems, Libraries, Museums, Network protocols, Web browsers, World Wide Web, XML

The purpose of COVAX is to analyze and create the technical solutions required to provide access through the Internet to homogeneously-encoded document descriptions of archive, library, and museum collections based in the application of XML. This paper describes the development of the project, and the main achievements in building an information system of distributed XML databases containing document descriptions from libraries, archives, and museums emphasizing the conversion processes needed to transform legacy data to an XML environment. © 2003 Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Citation KeyHernández2003797