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Comparison of OMI NO<inf>2</inf> tropospheric columns with an ensemble of global and European regional air quality models

TitleComparison of OMI NO2 tropospheric columns with an ensemble of global and European regional air quality models
Publication TypeArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsHuijnen, V., Eskes H.J., Poupkou A., Elbern H., Boersma K.F., Foret G., Sofiev M., Valdebenito A., Flemming J., Stein O., Gross A., Robertson L., D'Isidoro Massimo, Kioutsioukis I., Friese E., Amstrup B., Bergstrom R., Strunk A., Vira J., Zyryanov D., Maurizi A., Melas D., Peuch V.-H., and Zerefos C.
JournalAtmospheric Chemistry and Physics

cited By 64

Citation KeyHuijnen20103273