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DNA flow cytometric analysis and numerical chromosome 9 aberrations detected by interphase cytogenetics in superficial bladder TCC.

TitleDNA flow cytometric analysis and numerical chromosome 9 aberrations detected by interphase cytogenetics in superficial bladder TCC.
Publication TypeArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsEleuteri, Patrizia, Grollino Maria Giuseppa, Pomponi D, Calugi G, Rocchi M, and De Vita R
JournalEur J Histochem
Volume41 Suppl 2
Date Published1997
KeywordsCarcinoma, Transitional Cell, Chromosome aberrations, Chromosomes, Human, Pair 9, Flow cytometry, Humans, In Situ Hybridization, Fluorescence, interphase, Urinary Bladder Neoplasms

cited By 2

Alternate JournalEur J Histochem
Citation Key4934
PubMed ID9859830