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Dosimetric characterisation of ethylene-propylene based insulating material

TitleDosimetric characterisation of ethylene-propylene based insulating material
Publication TypeArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Year of Publication1990
AuthorsOnori, S., Baccaro S., Caccia B., D'Atanasio Paolo, Indovina P.L., Pantaloni M., Petetti E., and Viezzoli G.
JournalRadiation Protection Dosimetry
Keywordsconference paper, dosimetry, gamma radiation

The behaviour of a co-polymer of ethylene and propylene (EPR) based insulating materials irradiated with a gamma ray source has been studied. One of the most relevant effects of the interaction of ionising radiation with polymers is the production of free radicals that can be detected with electron spin resonance (ESR) technique. In the present work samples were irradiated with a 60Co Gammacell source (absorbed dose rate ≃ 0.35 Gy.s-1) and measurements were performed with an X band spectrometer (Varian E112). All samples tested show a well defined ESR signal whose amplitude increases with time. The behaviour at room conditions and dose-effect relationships were investigated. The preliminary results obtained show that the ESR technique can be a useful tool for the quantitative investigation of free radical production and ageing studies in polymeric systems.


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Citation KeyOnori1990299