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Volume flow resistance of a hemodialysis membrane and protein adsorption

TitleVolume flow resistance of a hemodialysis membrane and protein adsorption
Publication TypeArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Year of Publication1990
AuthorsFabiani, Claudio, Pizzichini Massimo, Bersani S., Casciani C.U., Digiulio S., Fortezza P.L., Maldonato A., and Pittaluga M.
JournalSeparation Science and Technology
Pagination593 - 608
Date Published1990///

Polarization and adsorption effects during bovine serum albumin (BSA) ultrafiltration across a commerical hemodialysis membrane are discussed. BSA adsorption on the membrane surface depends on the pH and concentration of solutions. Overall membrane permeability is reduced due to the resistance of both the concentration polarization and the adsorption layers. Ultrafiltration experiments with a pure solvent (water) and solutions allow the different contributions to the total volume flow resistance of the membrane to be distinguished. These data are needed to develop a model bioartificial pancreas in which animal pancreatic islets of Langerhans are bounded between two ultrafiltration membranes.


Export Date: 21 January 2011Source: Scopus

Citation Key953