Department for sustainability
General Objectives
Contribute to the valorization of economic, natural and social capital, by providing technological and methodological tools for sustainable and competitive growth and improvement of citizens life quality.
Support Policy elaboration and implementation promoting the reduction of emissions, the mitigation of climate change effects, the transition towards innovative economic models (circular economy, bioeconomy, blue economy).
The Department also assures technical support to public authorities within the main national, EU and international fora; in European EIP platforms and working groups; in international Experts Commissions and within international negotiations (UN, UN-ECE, EU etc.).
Strategic themes
- Climate changes
- Natural capital and sustainable tourism
- Closure of cycles, industrial areas and circular economy
- Sustainable cities
- Sustainable supply chains and food systems
- Materials and processes for competitive manufacturing industry
- Innovative health products and systems
- Air quality and health
- Protection and enhancement of our artistic, historical and architectural heritage
- Territorial security
- Biotechnological systems, products and processes