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How can life cycle assessment foster environmentally sound fuel cell production and use?

TitoloHow can life cycle assessment foster environmentally sound fuel cell production and use?
Tipo di pubblicazioneArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Anno di Pubblicazione2013
AutoriZucaro, Amalia, Fiorentino Gabriella, Zamagni A., Bargigli S., Masoni P., Moreno A., and Ulgiati S.
RivistaInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Parole chiaveBalance of systems, Cycle data, Data quality, Data uncertainty, environmental management, Environmental performance, Fuel cell production, Impact assessments, life cycle, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Market penetration, Molten carbonate fuel cells (MCFC), Sensitivity-of-results, Technological effort

Successful market penetration of Fuel Cell (FC) technologies requires increased research and technological efforts towards improved efficiency, durability, costs and environmental performance according to accepted standards. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) can help understand to what extent FCs are environmentally sound, to what extent they can be improved and what steps and components require attention. A guidance manual for LCA application to FC technologies, processes and systems, compliant with the International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD), was developed within the European Union-funded Fuel Cell-Hydrogen Guide (FC-Hy Guide) Consortium. The purpose was to provide entrepreneurs, consultants and experts with a specific guidance tool for use in policy context and decision-making. This paper presents the application of the FC-Hy Guide scheme to Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells (MCFC), with focus on the following aspects: (1) data quality; (2) information needed; (3) background and foreground data; (4) FC stack and balance of system; (5) improvement potential; (6) sensitivity of results and data uncertainty. © 2012, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Citation KeyZucaro2013453