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Electrochemical characterization of optically passive CeVO4 counterelectrodes

TitleElectrochemical characterization of optically passive CeVO4 counterelectrodes
Publication TypeArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsPicardi, G., Varsano F., Decker F., Opara-Krasovec U., Surca A., and Orel B.
JournalElectrochimica Acta
KeywordsCeria vanadia stoichiometric oxides, Cerium compounds, Cyclic voltammetry, diffusion, Electric conductivity, Electric Impedance, Electrochemistry, Electrochromic window, Electrochromism, Electrodes, Electrolytes, Light absorption, Lithium, Lithium diffusion coefficient, Lithium intercalated condition, Optically passive counterelectrodes, oxidation, Pristine state, Reduction

Ceria-vanadia stoichiometric oxides represent a new class of optically passive counterelectrodes with favorable properties for the use as counterelectrodes in an electrochromic window. They are very transparent both in the pristine state and in the lithium-intercalated condition and have a good charge capacity (around 20 mC cm-2). In the present paper we report on the electrochemical properties of Ceria-Vanadia stoichiometric oxides, in liquid PC-LiClO4 anhydrous electrolytes. The cyclic voltammograms of such electrodes show reversible reduction/oxidation peaks in two distinct regions, around 1.2-2.2 V vs. Li and 2.9-3.9 V vs. Li. GITT experiments have been performed, with the following results: Li diffusion coefficient goes from 10-13 cm2 s-1 for fully intercalated samples. The impedance of Ceria-vanadia is that of a ceramic thin film, going from a slightly p-type semiconducting state to a more insulating sample with resistivity of 0.1 GΩ cm when fully Li-intercalated. The optical properties of the samples are that of a colorless, very transparent electrode (T<88% in the wavelength range between 450 and 740 nm). Extremely weak cathodic and anodic electrochromism can be detected in the red and in the violet part of the visible spectrum, respectively. This extremely low absorption is of no harm to the visible appearance of the samples.


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Citation KeyPicardi19993157