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Comparison between different leaching/extraction tests for the evaluation of metal release from fly ash

TitleComparison between different leaching/extraction tests for the evaluation of metal release from fly ash
Publication TypeArticolo su Rivista peer-reviewed
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsBrunori, Claudia, Balzamo S., and Morabito Roberto
JournalInternational Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry

A comparison of five different leaching/extraction tests, each characterized by different parameters such as liquid/solid ratio, pH, leachant, stirring conditions, duration time, has been performed on a highly homogenized fly ash reference material. Eight different elements (As, Cd Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Se, Zn) have been considered in this study. The results show that, among all the considered experimental parameters, pH seems to have the greatest influence on metal release. A comparison of five different leaching/extraction tests, each characterized by different parameters such as liquid/solid ratio, pH, leachant, stirring conditions, duration time, has been performed on a highly homogenized fly ash reference material. Eight different elements (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Se, Zn) have been considered in this study. The results show that, among all the considered experimental parameters, pH seems to have the greatest influence on metal release.


cited By 11; Conference of The 2nd Euroconference on Environmental Analytical Chemistry ; Conference Date: 31 October 1998 Through 6 November 1998; Conference Code:56657

Citation KeyBrunori199919